A Journal-Sentinel Editorial on the Archdiocesan Bankruptcy Filing–Obligations remain

Given its financial constraints, the Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s decision to file for bankruptcy protection was probably its best legal option. But it still has a moral obligation to victims and parishioners to be as forthcoming as possible about what happened.

The financial reorganization of the archdiocese should not preclude a full accounting of the actions of those who molested children and of authorities in the archdiocese who may have covered up for or abetted the molesters. The reorganization also should do what it can to accord victims appropriate compensation.

At the same time, the archdiocese and the courts should do what they can to make sure that Catholic parishes and schools are protected from this decision so that they can continue with their good works. Programs for the needy, teacher pensions and parish ministries should be protected from the consequences of the handful of priests and others who preyed on children.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * Religion News & Commentary, Economy, Law & Legal Issues, Other Churches, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic

One comment on “A Journal-Sentinel Editorial on the Archdiocesan Bankruptcy Filing–Obligations remain

  1. Jeff Thimsen says:

    The Catholic diocese of Spokane recently went through this. From an outsiders view, I think it was a mistake. The diocese had to sell the chancery building, and may have to sell some other properties to raise the necessary funds, including the cathedral. It may have been better to take a couple of the cases to trial before making the decision to file bankruptcy. Certainly some of the claims will have merit, but many others may not.